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Code Words: NYC Food Guy
In New York City, the stomach rules. Day or night, you can find culinary delights from every corner of the world and in every price range. Thankfully, the NYC Food Guy can help you savor every bite. Lawrence is a native New Yorker whose goal is to let people know where to find delicious and affordable food throughout the city. His Code Words column does just that with reviews, tips and tricks that will keep you sated.
NYC Food Guy Creation: The 24-Hour Homemade Chipwich
So after a late dinner in SoHo last night, my lovely date and I were craving something sweet to top the meal off. Houston’s was closed so no brownie sundae. Banana Pudding to go from Blue Smoke? Also closed. This is when New Yorkers should praise the lord for 24-hour bodegas. Every bodega has cookies and every bodega has ice cream and in NYC Food Guy’s estimation, you can never go wrong combining the two.
$7.95. Yes, $7.95 for all of this deliciousness. And thanks to bodegas, say it with me now “Bo-De-Ga”, you can have this at every hour of the day. The beauty of it all is any cookie or ice cream will do. Want to get really crazy? Get an ice cream bar and break it up. Could you imagine Toasted Almond cookie sandwiches?
Here’s what it took to make this happen and here’s the simple steps that even the most under-the-influence-individual can’t mess up:
1. If the cookies are of the crunchy variety like above, microwave the cookies for around :45 seconds. If they’re all ready soft like Entenman’s then :15 – :20 seconds should do.
2. Let the ice cream sit out for a few minutes so it gets malleable. If the ice cream’s too frozen to scoop, your cookies will lose their heat as you battle with the ice cream.
3. Turn one cookie on its top and scoop the ice cream onto it. Close the sandwich. Eat & Enjoy.
I’m pumped to see what kind of cookie creations you all come up with. Send submissions to [email protected] and I’ll definitely post it on the site. Thanks in advance.
For more of NYC Food Guy’s delicious reviews click here.
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How do you satisfy a late night sweet tooth? Post a comment below!
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Break From the Norm Burgers
In this “burger obssessed age”, where beef on a bun is the restaurant industry’s lone recession-proof dish, NYC Food Guy is here to shed some light on three burgers that are a break from the normal fare.

Guerilla Shopper
Being a bargain hunter, with a taste for the finer things in life, is no less than a full time job; and most New Yorkers just can’t find the time in their already hectic lives. So what’s a thrifty shopper to do? Rely on the Guerilla Shopper – that’s what!

Code Words: Guerilla Shopper
Want to look like a million bucks without spending anywhere near that? Who doesn’t? The Guerilla Shopper has mastered the fine art of finding a great deal.
Foodguy, I like this idea – maybe drop another $0.50 and buy two small bodega mini candies like single Reeses and chop them up and roll the sandwich in the bits… ps- your site is very cool – I see you are down with Jacques Torres and Levain Cookies – peep my site for a run down on all of NYC’s top chocolate chip cookies: