cool eats
Bamboo 52
Sushi restaurants in Manhattan are about as ubiquitous as hot dog vendors, though one such eatery in 10019 has managed to distinguish itself from the raw and the uncooked. Head chef and owner of Bamboo 52, John Greco, built his restaurant by thinking outside the seaweed roll. For Greco, his livelihood is more of a lifestyle than a job. This is evident in the lengths he’s willing to travel to select the fish he uses. “I was in Alaska and Panama; now I’m heading to research more in Aruba.” Greco explains, “I care about the quality of fish that I serve to anyone who enters Bamboo 52.” If sashimi or nigiri were ever typical, Greco has put a twist on the ordinary and brought to life plates such as a Spicy Sushi Sandwich, Sushi Pancakes, and Salmon Lasagna. As on a tropical vacation, drinks come topped with umbrellas and kitschy palm trees. And with a sake menu the size of the continent on which it originated, Bamboo 52 can feel like one.
344 West 52nd Street, 10019cool eats

Donovan’s Pub
There is an old Irish saying that reads, “Men are like bagpipes – no sound comes from them until they are full.” This might explain why there is never a quiet (or dull) moment at 11377’s famous burger joint – Donovan’s Pub!

Stuff Hipsters Don’t Like
You might be a hipster if, like Lola Wakefield, your research into this fascinating culture of indie rock fans, thrift store shoppers, and vegetarians, painted a picture of, well, you.

Lilli and Loo: Gluten Free Gastronomy
If you’re living with Celiac’s Disease you know that restaurant dining can be risky. However, a safe culinary experience is waiting to be had on Lexington Avenue at Lilli and Loo, a restaurant that works with the Gluten Intolerance Group to offer patrons gluten-free Asian cuisine in addition to their standard fare.