dress code

Style Decoder: Hells Kitchen

The sidewalks of New York are much like the runways when it comes to trends. From what’s new to what’s truly original, New Yorkers know how to find it and flaunt it. Whether it’s a great discovery from a sample sale or a simple shirt that’s totally chic, the locals of 10019 and 10036 are all about strutting their stuff. CiNYC’s Style Decoder Hitha canvassed Hell’s Kitchen to learn why the fashion scene in these stylish zips is so incredibly hot!

Check out more New York style here.

What Style Are You Rocking Right Now?

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  • By kitchen appliances – 10-30-08 at 8:17 am

    The first time I visited New York I couldn’t believe it. The fashion differences are great, like London it’s so multi cultural and varied. The best thing is seeing all the amazing designer outfits on the side walk, it’s true it feels like the cat walk!

  • By Cool in Your Code – 11-04-08 at 2:51 pm

    Thanks for writing in there, kitchen appliances. Tell us who your favorite designer is?

dress code


A caravan is most commonly known as a large group of traders or travelers who strike out on a journey together through hostile territories. In the jungles of New York City, it’s important for consumers to band together and do the same. It’s a dangerous world out there for the uninformed shopper, so sharing as many resources and tricks as one can is a necessity for survival in this city!

East Village Dress Code

For the ultimate mix of old and new, and a little something all its own, head to the East Village. Vintage toys, magazines and clothes of all kinds can be found at Love Saves The Day. If you are missing your School House Rock lunchbox, smurf miniatures, or an awesome 80’s era leather jacket, you can probably find it here in Leslie Herson’s home for all things nostalgic.

Jackson Heights Dress Code

Below the rumbles of the 7 train on 74th Street, you’ll discover the colorful world of Little India in 11372. In addition to their multicultural culinary offerings, Jackson Heights has got you covered when it comes to sari shopping and ethnic jewelry.