vocal code

Scratch DJ Academy


The secrets of spinning are revealed at the Scratch DJ Academy in 10011. The founders of Scratch believe that the skills needed to be a DJ are indeed an art form that should be made accessible to all music enthusiasts. Classes cover everything from mixing and blending, to scratching and beat juggling, with many taught by world famous DJ instructors. Is all this scratching making you itch?

434 Sixth Avenue, 10011


vocal code

The Isles

Often compared to The Smiths, The Isles have been creating original music in New York since 2004. After producing and recording their first album, Perfumed Lands, they were signed to the indie label Melodic in Manchester, England.

Butta Verses

Though he currently hails from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Butta Verses (a.k.a. John Cullen), is New York through and through.

Scratch DJ Academy

The secrets of spinning are revealed at the Scratch DJ Academy in 10011.