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Single Edition: Slim Solutions for Singles

If you think you have to be part of a couple to get the most out of life, think again. Our Code Word contributor, Sherri Langburt, is full of expert advice on life beyond dating. Whether it’s travel ideas, beauty tips, financial guidance, or recipes for entertaining, the founder of lifestyle blog Single Edition has something to say. Log on to find new ways to enjoy your freedom and get the most out of single life!

Slim Solutions for Singles
How to Treat the 3 Common Weight Loss Dilemmas

There are few hot eligible bachelors in the city where I live and my dentist is one of them.
Not that he needed it but at my last check-up he appeared looking leaner than ever in his dusted blue medical uniform. “A lifestyle change now that I hit 40, thanks to Weight Watchers,” he confessed.

A subterranean room filled with POINT pinching women was hardly the weight loss approach you would expect from such a man. Having worked for the company myself for more than four years I was hardly surprised.

You see, for the single man or woman, Weight Watchers meetings and Weight Watchers online offer flexibility and support that is essential for sustainable healthy weight loss. And now that they recently launched a program specifically for men, Weight Watcher’s has officially resurrected itself from the image it had in the 1970’s.

Let’s face it. When it comes to eating right, there is a unique set of challenges we as singles face on a daily basis. A hectic, on-the-go lifestyle and schedule can mean dining out more frequently and a need for faster, friendlier foods. It may also require behavior modification techniques and healthy cooking skills for home alone evenings. With this in mind, Single Edition captured the diet challenges of three real-life singles and how they overcame their dilemmas.

Scenario One: Andrew, a recently divorced father of three teenagers, is tired of eating tuna fish sandwiches for dinner on nights when he does not have the kids. He enjoys cooking but does not know how to begin preparing healthy meals on his own.

Diet Rx: Healthy recipes and cooking tips are right at your fingertips online, at diet companies like and Other good sources are magazine publishers such as Self and Shape Magazines, as well as food manufacturers such as Dole Foods, Splenda, etc. Andrew, a big grilling and Chinese food fan, started off by making Tex-Mex Burgers with Charred Onion, Salsa and Avocado and has since added Cashew Chicken and Orange Beef Stir Fry to his repertoire of healthy recipes.

Scenario Two: Mark, an avid cyclist at 36, never had a problem managing his weight. Ordering late night take-out alone at his desk is finally catching up with him at the gym. He wants to shave fifteen pounds and is searching for a portable and convenient weight-loss program that will get his body back where it needs to be for peak performance training.

Diet Rx:
A pre-prepared meal plan is the perfect solution for newbie desk dieters like Mark. While companies like Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig cater to the on-the-go crowd with single-serve portable meals, the food tends to be less-than-fresh, TV-dinner quality. Instead, many single professionals are signing up for gourmet alternatives which offer fresh chef-inspired meals that have far less preservatives. Mark found success with New York based NuKitchen Food, which offers a corporate solution program for professionals on-the-job. Similar services are available in cities across North America, including MagicCook, BistroMD and Chefs Diet.

Scenario Three: At 37, Karen made a decision to have a child on her own. Now more than two years later she is having a hard time shedding the baby weight. Given the pressures of her new role as a Mom, Karen is struggling with out of control emotional eating for the first time in her adult life and is in need of support.

Diet Rx:
Stress, loneliness and boredom are symptoms that more often than not trigger over-eating. The good news is that in addition to Weight Watchers and Overeaters Anonymous, which offer support in a real-life group setting, many individuals are finding the help they need on the Internet. Karen found mom-mom support she needed on ClubMom’s diet and fitness message board. Now instead of turning to food to placate her feelings she is able to connect with like-minded women for advice and help.

In this rushed, overscheduled and often stressful age, there are a variety of healthy eating, diet and lifestyle options available to help keep us in optimum shape. Talk to friends, scour the internet and empower yourself with these available tools that can connect you with others similarly situated or help you on your own in your quest to shed weight, improve your health and live a more comfortable and fit life. There are options galore; just make up your mind to do it and then find the method that is best for you.

For more of Sherri’s single insights click here.

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