Code Trip

Best of Sports Code Trip
Two adventurous Code Trippers embark on a scavenger hunt throughout Manhattan, with Host Christopher as their guide, on this Best of Sports edition of Code Trip.

Viewers’ Choice Code Trip
CiNYC Host Christopher picks up our latest Code Tripper in Long Island City – 11101 to be exact. Our dynamic duo cruises the city in our Pontiac Codester to explore some viewer suggestions on what’s cool in their zips.

Tribeca Code Trip
In this premiere Code Trip, CiNYC Host Shirley gets the keys to a brand new Pontiac Codester in New Rochelle, 10801, and then cruises downtown with our Code Tripper Kevin to check out 10007 and 10013, otherwise known as Tribeca!

Yonkers Code Trip
CiNYC cruised five miles north of Manhattan to check out the historically rich and currently vibrant city of Yonkers.