staten island
Habitually Chic
For the Habitually Chic Heather, inspiration and design are just two of the innumerable themes that can be found in abundance in both New York City as well as her blog.
New to New York City? Unsure of how to start looking for an apartment? Curious about where you can start making friends? For many of these answers, you can turn to New York City newbie, Mary Hilton’s blog. She made the move to the city from Washington D.C. a few years ago.
Break From the Norm Burgers
In this “burger obssessed age”, where beef on a bun is the restaurant industry’s lone recession-proof dish, NYC Food Guy is here to shed some light on three burgers that are a break from the normal fare.
A caravan is most commonly known as a large group of traders or travelers who strike out on a journey together through hostile territories. In the jungles of New York City, it’s important for consumers to band together and do the same. It’s a dangerous world out there for the uninformed shopper, so sharing as many resources and tricks as one can is a necessity for survival in this city!
Burn the Bowery
Do you feel as if your iTunes library is lacking? Is Pandora no longer exciting your aural senses? Are your musical preferences the butt of your hipster friends’ jokes? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Burn the Bowery and it’s creator Steve are here to help.
New York Buzz
What started as an innovative way for a public relations company to utilize the internet, has become an all encompassing source for arts and entertainment events in NYC. Termeh Mazhari not only uses New York Buzz to promote and endorse her PR clients, but also posts reviews of new shows, interviews with trendsetters, and info for all sorts of art exhibits.