Tag: blog

Public Display of Infection
Stacey Smith is a twenty-something, not quite New Yorker. She fancies herself to be, though, in that she lives well out of her means in an East Village share.

Serge the Concierge
In 2003 Serge Lescouarnec began a concierge service that not only lent him an outlet for his affinity of wine and cheeses and servicing the hectic lives of New Jersey residents, but rhymed rather appropriately with his name. Thus the blog, Serge the Concierge began two short years later.

NYC Condo Blog
It takes a strong heart to navigate the New York Real Estate Market. Veteran broker Toni Scott can help fortify you for the journey.

Green Brooklyn
Even the internet’s becoming eco friendly. Environmentalist do-gooders take to the blogs in a grass roots initiative known as greenbrooklyn.com.

Eating in Translation
Dave Cook began his blog, Eating in Translation, about three years ago when his indiscriminating palate had him trying anything New York City had to offer.

Jet Set Girls
On their blog, The Jet Set Girls, Hope and Anne share their discoveries of the swankiest hotels, trendiest clubs, and most fabulous restaurants.