Tag: brooklyn

Viewers’ Choice Code Trip
CiNYC Host Christopher picks up our latest Code Tripper in Long Island City – 11101 to be exact. Our dynamic duo cruises the city in our Pontiac Codester to explore some viewer suggestions on what’s cool in their zips.

Code Words: John Korduba
Read the poems Day Off and Fall from John Korduba’s “Everybody Gets Lost in Brooklyn”.

Code Words: John Korduba
John Korduba is the poet for people who are bored by poetry. Read his poems “Barter” and “Cleaning Day.”

My Taxi Ride
New York City is an incredible place to raise children. Just ask husband-and-wife writing team Paul DuBois Jacobs and Jennifer Swender, who followed their successful book My Subway Ride with My Taxi Ride.

A Slice of Brooklyn Pizza Tour
Forget the Brooklyn Bridge! A Slice of Brooklyn Pizza Tour worships landmarks in the form of pizzerias.

Code Words: John Korduba
Read the poems Distraction and Park With Swans from “Everybody Gets Lost in Brooklyn”.