Tag: gadgets

Socially Superlative
For those people who in High School just missed being voted the hippest, liveliest, or most fun person in the grade, there is now a new site for them to redeem their past social misfortunes.

New York Buzz
What started as an innovative way for a public relations company to utilize the internet, has become an all encompassing source for arts and entertainment events in NYC. Termeh Mazhari not only uses New York Buzz to promote and endorse her PR clients, but also posts reviews of new shows, interviews with trendsetters, and info for all sorts of art exhibits.

Scott Lipps has dedicated himself to making you almost as cool as he is. He has created a blog to bring you what he calls “Fast Forward Pop Culture.” It is a one-stop reference guide for everything new and cool in pop culture.

Code Words: Single Edition
With the right equipment and recipes, going solo in the kitchen can be rewarding, budget friendly and a lot healthier for you.